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Series: Public Seminar: Embodiment of All the Siddhas (4 talks, 1975, Karme Choling, Audio)

Teachings on the Sadhana of Mahamudra. This historic seminar marked the first time Chogyam Trungpa gave extensive public teachings on the sadhana. From the start, this "advanced" practice was made available to anyone regardless of experience, and this series gives a thorough grounding in its meaning, and step-by-step instructions on how to practice it. Trungpa Rinpoche describes the unusual, often amusing, ultimately inspiring circumstances in which he wrote it, in Bhutan in 1968, when he had reached an impasse in his teaching in the West. The breakthrough of writing the Sadhana was decisive in how he would present the dharma in the contemporary world, while forging a powerful link to the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibet. The seminar became the basis for Part One of the book "Devotion and Crazy Wisdom."
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Playlist Duration: 03:27:46

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