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Between 1970 and 1986, Trungpa Rinpoche gave 151 public seminars (unrestricted access, open to the public), containing a total of 757 talks. Seminars contained between 2 to 17 talks, and in later years, some were co-taught with the Vajra Regent, Osel Tendzin. About half of these seminars took place in Boulder or Karme Choling, and the others in locations as diverse as the Bay Area, New York City, locations across Canada, and even a few in Europe. Topics covered all the major themes of his teachings: Lineage; Buddhist teachings from the Foundational, Mahayana and Vajrayana vehicles; Dharma Art; Death and Bardo; and Meditation.


We are gradually releasing talks from the public seminars into the Digital Library. Eventually, this collection will have 757 talks from all 151 public seminars.

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