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Series: Naropa Institute: Meditation: The Way of the Buddha (5 Talks, 1974)

The inaugural session of Naropa Institute, during which Chogyam Trungpa gave an in-depth introduction to meditation. This groundbreaking course became the basis for the introductory meditation class given for many years at Naropa to incoming students. In the first talk, Trungpa Rinpoche presents a general orientation to meditation in the Buddhist tradition, and gives meditation instruction. This is essentially the same basic instruction that he gave throughout the time he was in the United States. It is also virtually identical with the meditation instruction that was the basis of Shambhala Training and is still used extensively, along with other approaches. In later talks, he describes meditation practice in greater detail, as well as related topics, such as mindfulness and awareness, the five skandhas, emptiness, and buddha nature.
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Playlist Duration: 05:02:05

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