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Series: Naropa Institute: Meditation in the Three Yanas (5 Talks, 1979)

Chogyam Trungpa describes the Buddhist path to enlightenment through the stages of hinayana, mahayana, and vajrayana. He explains the meaning of dharma as "truth", and frames meditation practice — the practice of dharma — as the only real way to attain enlightenment. Topics include: Buddhism as a non-theistic path, shamatha meditation, vipashyana and awareness, cutting through karma, obstacles to meditation, buddha nature, bodhichitta, egolessness, tonglen, vajrayana, devotion, and the samaya principle. This seminar was co-taught by Trungpa Rinpoche (who gave talks 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) and the Vajra Regent (who gave talks 2, 4, 6, and 8). To listen to the Vajra Regent's talks from this seminar, copy and paste the following link into your browser:
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Playlist Duration: 03:50:06

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