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Series: Naropa Institute: Art and Sanity (2 Talks, 1981, Boulder, Audio)

Chogyam Trungpa emphasizes egolessness as the basis of formal art practice, and in the experience of art in one's everyday life. Defines mind as the beginning point of art. First step is just being there, with good posture and sense perceptions open. Letting go of ego fixation as the basis for producing art: “Whenever we are free from habitual tendencies of holding on to ‘me’, then the true art manifests through.” Describes art as the key to overcoming warfare and aggression. Principles of kyudo (traditional Japanese archery) and spontaneous poetry are demonstrated, as examples of how to cultivate egolessness and openness. Trungpa Rinpoche gave talks 2, 4, and 6 of the seminar, but audio for Talk 4 is not available. This seminar was co-taught with the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin (talk 3), and with other key teachers at Naropa Institute, including the Dorje Loppon Lodro Dorje, Jose Arguelles, Barbara Bash, Jeremey Hayward, and Judith Lief.
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Playlist Duration: 02:53:36

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