This pivotal series includes teachings and interviews Trungpa Rinpoche gave on the subject of psychology in various settings, including Naropa's Psychology Department, Western and Buddhist Psychology Symposia, and an interview for the book BUDDHISM AND WESTERN PSYCHOLOGY. Chogyam Trungpa's interest in the connections and divergences between Buddhism and Western psychology began when he was a student at Oxford in the 1960s. In the early 1970s in a meeting with now-renowned Harvard mindfulness researcher Daniel Goleman, Trungpa Rinpoche said, "Buddhist will arrive in the West as a psychology." The Psychology Department at Naropa Institute was a major focus of its programming from the beginning, and over the years it helped to bring mindfulness and meditation into the mainstream of Western psychotherapy. Subjects include: meditation and mindfulness in the practice of psychotherapy; Buddhist approaches to working with the emotions; the ego from Buddhist and Western perspectives; looking at the present rather than analyzing the past in therapy; relating to self and the world from point of view of goodness and openness rather than focusing primarily on symptoms. Chogyam Trungpa's lectures and writings on psychotherapy can be found in the 2005 book THE SANITY WE ARE BORN WITH: A BUDDHIST APPROACH TO PSYCHOTHERAPY.