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Series: Public Seminar: Heart of Meditation I (4 talks, 1979, Toronto)

The focus and immediacy of these talks represents one of the best examples of Trungpa Rinpoche's ability to transmit the essential teachings of Buddhism in ways that are appropriate for both beginning and experienced practitioners. The talks cover the rationale behind meditation, instructions on how to do it, and the fruition of practice and study as the dissolving of neurosis, and awakening of one's inherent buddha nature. Trungpa Rinpoche describes meditation practice as a way of contacting oneself, the role of the teacher, and the development of cheerfulness and unconditional wakefulness. The QandA periods are especially rich. (Please note there is no recording of Talk 3, but that does not interfere with the integrity of the seminar.)
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Playlist Duration: 02:07:14

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